Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hamilton, Ontario
Bible Study
Thursdays at 10am
Sunday Divine Service
Sundays at 9:15am
Kids Club
The first Wednesday of every
month at 5:30pm
About Us
Founded in 1923, Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church has been proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him crucified in the Delta neighborhood of Hamilton for nearly 100 years. In 2012 Redeemer formed a dual parish and began sharing a pastor with Christ Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Grimsby.
Redeemer is a congregation of Lutheran Church-Canada. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that our Lord Jesus is present among us through the preaching of His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion to forgive our sins. We hope that you will "come and see" (John 1:46) what we are all about!
If you do plan to visit Redeemer, please note that parking is available on the street and the Delta Secondary School parking lot across the street is usually also available on Sundays.